Space station parts factory

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Cost $4,450,000, 1,000,000x plastic, 10,000x clothing, 1,000laptop, 100,000x steel, 250,000x rubber
Total Cost $10.550.000 (without unbuyable assets)
Inputs 100x glass, 5,000x plastic, 5,000x aluminum, 2x television, 1x digital camera, 10x cpu, 1,000 rubber
Outputs 1x space station parts
Production interval 5 minutes
Production/Hour 12x space station parts
Profit/Min $10,000.00
Profit/Hour $600,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.09%
Time to ROI 1,055 Minutes
( ~17 Hours and 30 Minutes)
aliases space station parts factory,
ssp factory,
ssp fac

This facility produces space station parts that is used to build a space station.
It's one of the facilities that uses the most variety of Assets.
If you had one space station factory at 100% eficiency it would take you 3 million seconds (about 833 hours) to have enough space station parts for a space station.