Lamp factory

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Cost $10,250, 2,000x rubber,
25,000x wood
Total Cost $28000
Inputs 12x LED, 6x plastic
Outputs 2x lamp
Production interval 15 seconds
Production/Min 8 lamp
Production/Hour 480x lamp
Profit/Min $200.00
Profit/Hour $12,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.329%
Time to reach ROI 304.35 Minutes
(~5 Hours)
Aliases lamp factory, lampfactory,
lamp fac

The Lamp factory is a facility that creates 2x lamp every 15 seconds.

You need 1x LED factory and 1/20x Plastic factories to sustain this.

To sustain all components in the tree, you need 1xLED factory, 2x Silicon mines, 1/25x of an Oil well, and 1/20x Plastic factories to function.

The optimal ratio is 20:40:1:1.