Cell phone factory

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Cost $32,500, 2,000x glass,
50,000x aluminum,
50,000x wood, 10,000x steel,
100x CPU
Total Cost $400,000
Inputs 1x CPU, 5x plastic, 1x glass
Outputs 1x cell phone
Production interval 45 seconds
Production/Hour 80x cell phone
Profit/Min $1,066.67
Profit/Hour $64,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.189%
Time to ROI 528.63 Minutes
(~9 Hours)
Aliases cell phone factory,
cellphone factory,
cell phone fac, cellphonefactory,
phone factory, phone fac

The cell phone factory is a facility that produces 1x cell phone every 45 seconds.

To sustain it you need 15/8 CPU factories, 1/72 Plastic factories, and 7/72 Glass factories.

Full automation requires 15/8 CPU factories, 75/64 Gold mines, 185/36 Silicon mines, 1/72 Plastic factories, 1/90 Oil wells, and 7/72 Glass factories.