Car factory

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Cost $6,750,000, 100,000x steel, 10,000x rubber, 3,000x furniture, 1,000x laptop
Total Cost $10,000,000
Inputs 1x CPU, 40x steel, 30x rubber, 1,000x plastic, 28x glass, 1x gasoline engine
Outputs 1x car
Production interval 10 minutes
Production/Hour 6x car
Profit/Min $2,000.00
Profit/Hour $120,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.013%
Time to ROI 7,733.92 Minutes
(~5 days and 8 hours)
aliases car factory, carfactory, car fac

The car factory is a facility that produces 1x car every 10 minutes. It is the third slowest facility, only losing to the retail store and truck factory.