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10 bytes added ,  04:44, 17 January 2021
'''+'''- : Added something new (new feature, nice. Can also be a bug fix of all shapes and sizes.).
'''='''- : Tweaked an implemented feature (nerfs, buffs, and reworks).
'''-'''- : Removes a feature altogether (Mostly being replaced by a new and better, sometimes improved, feature. Sometimes just completely removed however due to issues with the feature, like causing too many bugs that caused too much harm.)
'''(number)- ''' : refers to the revision number, so (10) means the 10th revision.
Note: From 1.3.6 onwards, there is a git hash (the 7 characters you see on most updates). Before 1.1.4, the posts do not have a version number, however, the version number is implied and can be deduced using only how 1.1.4-1.2 updates work and the text displayed, and how many messages it was split up.


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