Prescription drug factory

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Cost $13,000,000, 100,000x rubber, 250,000x steel, 10,000x glass
Total Cost $15,000,000
Inputs 1x research chemical
Outputs 2x prescription drug
Production interval 50 seconds
Production/Hour 144x prescription drug
Profit/Min $1,200.00
Profit/Hour $72,000.00
Return On Investment/Min 0.007%
Time to ROI 13,888.89 Minute
( ~9 Days and 15 Hours)
aliases prescription drug factory,
prescription drug fac,
drug factory, drug fac

Sustaining it requires use of ~1/6 Research chemical factory Full sustaining requires use of ~1/6 Research chemical factory and ~1/18 Oil well

This factory is highest profit but also lowest ROI due to very expensive building cost.